lunes, 30 de junio de 2014
domingo, 29 de junio de 2014
The lyrics
Make the World a better place
Here are the song lyrics. Start studying them for Friday!
We’re all people
Some are taller some are shorter than you
Some are blond, some are bald
And some come from different countries too
Some are unlucky
They can’t walk or they can’t see what you do
So what I tell you
Are some simple words anyone can do
Think about 'em
Care about 'em
Go and help 'em
Make the world a better place for 'em (x2)
Make the world a better place for ‘em
Go and make, their world the best now
Make the world a better place for ‘em
It’s not hard, just go and help ‘em
Make the world a better place for ‘em
You and I, we’ll make their world better
Make the world a better place
Make the world a better place
Make the world a better place
I’ll tell you hoooooooow
Thinking about ‘em
Caring about ‘em
Going and helping
Make the world a better plaaaaaace
Chorus (x 4)
Feria Multitemática 2014,
¡Hacé un buen papel!
Las alumnas Clara y Rocío realizaron este folleto de propaganda en formato digital para promocionar la campaña de recolección de papel que llevan a cabo los alumnos de 6to año.
Esperamos la participación de todos.
martes, 24 de junio de 2014
New project
Festival fever!
Today we started working on our new project: Festivals. I'm sure we'll have plenty of fun together, working on this topic. Can you imagine which our final project will be?
Miss Luchi.
Reading Comprehension
lunes, 23 de junio de 2014
Some pie graphs for our project
Great analysts!
Thank you for being so eager to participate at the moment of interpreting the graphs. I'm sure you'll do it very well at the Feria.
Miss Luchi.
Feria Multitemática 2014,
domingo, 22 de junio de 2014
What have we learned from working with architectural barriers?
I would like each of you to reflect upon the topic chosen for some time. It was not a topic chosen at random. The idea of working with this topic, as I told you, is to leave an imprint on you; a life-long imprint. Could you please answer the following questions? I bet you must have a strong opinion about the topic by now.
1- How does the topic "architectural barriers" make you feel?
2- Did you think of architectural barriers in the past?
3- What is, in your opinion, the best thing about working on the topic of architectural barriers, if you really find it useful?
Write the answers to these questions in a paragraph below, as a comment. I can't wait to read your opinions!
Miss Luchi.
Making graphs for our observations
A Google form - Nice graphs for our posters
Hi kids! Tomorrow we'll be working on this Google form in class. We'll complete it so as to see the responses in pie graphs. Then, we'll print those graphs and we'll make nice posters with them to hang on the walls of our classroom during the Feria Multitemática.
Please, do not complete the form if we are not in class. Wait for the instructions on how to do it. We'll read and complete the form together.
Miss Luchi.
Feria Multitemática 2014,
viernes, 20 de junio de 2014
Designing the leaflets
Yesterday we used Ipads to prepare the leaflets we'll give out in the Feria Multitemática. Next week, we'll choose the leaflet we'll print. Which one will be chosen?
Miss Luchi.
Feria Multitemática 2014,
lunes, 16 de junio de 2014
Best friends
Working with our own gadgets
Today we worked with technology. We completed a Google form and we analysed the results. We also started completing a Google speadsheet. Tomorrow we are going to check who wrote next to each number and most importantly, whose best friend is described in each cell.
Miss Luchi.
domingo, 15 de junio de 2014
A great value
Most probably, you have lots of friends, but you must also have a best friend. Let's answer this questionnaire about that so important person.
Then, write about your classmate in this document. But don't say who you are writing about!
Miss Luchi.
viernes, 13 de junio de 2014
Tidying up our classroom and our things
Today we had a hard-working morning, tidying up our classroom, changing the decoration and throwing away or selecting materials. It was a very productive day and everybody at school knew that you had managed to tidy up your classroom. Remember to try to keep it in such an order, as it is an essential factor that contributes to learning.
We decided to make of the classroom a better place:
And this was the result:
Of course Miss Mariana came to our classroom...
And then, the moment to put your own stuff in order and to sign the commitments came...
Ket's keep on working together to take care of our "new" classroom!
Miss Luchi.
jueves, 12 de junio de 2014
Curiosidades de la naturaleza
Las personas que comparten una dirección común
y tienen sentido de comunidad, pueden llegar a cumplir sus objetivos más fácil
y rápidamente, porque van apoyándose mutuamente, haciendo que los logros sean
aún mejores.
Si nos unimos y nos mantenemos juntos a
aquellos que van en nuestra misma dirección, el esfuerzo será menor. Será más
sencillo y placentero el logro de alcanzar las metas previstas.
Los hombres obtendremos los mejores resultados
si nos apoyamos en los momentos duros, si nos respetamos mutuamente en todo
momento compartiendo los problemas y los momentos más difíciles.
Una palabra de aliento a tiempo ayuda, da
fuerza, motiva y produce el mejor de los beneficios.
El miércoles hemos trabajado con los chicos el valor de la AMISTAD.
Nos hicimos algunas preguntas:
¿Qué es la amistad?
¿Por qué elijo a un amigo?
¿Qué palabras se relacionan con la amistad?
Así nos quedó nuestro mural
Nos hicimos algunas preguntas:
¿Qué es la amistad?
¿Por qué elijo a un amigo?
¿Qué palabras se relacionan con la amistad?
Así nos quedó nuestro mural
lunes, 9 de junio de 2014
Computers in our class!
Working with our own stuff
Today we worked together, sharing documents and forms on Google Drive. You managed to work very well with your own computers. However, there are still some things we need to polish and to learn before going using them.
Good work on the whole!
Miss Luchi.
Comprobación de Ciencias Naturales
El lunes 16 de Junio hay comprobación de Ciencias Naturales los temas a repasar se encuentran en el capitulo 4 del libro: Seres vivos y ambientes.
Les dejo el video que vimos en clase.
Les dejo el video que vimos en clase.
A partir de hoy, TODOS los lunes comenzamos a usar las Notebooks/ipads en las actividades escolares.
Nuestro primer desafío con Matemática es DIVISIBILIDAD.
Repasamos los criterios, seleccioná una actividad y probá cuánto sabés de múltiplos y divisores!
Dejanos tu comentario sobre lo trabajado hoy con las compus!!!!
Nuestro primer desafío con Matemática es DIVISIBILIDAD.
Repasamos los criterios, seleccioná una actividad y probá cuánto sabés de múltiplos y divisores!
Dejanos tu comentario sobre lo trabajado hoy con las compus!!!!
Working on a form
Drawing observation results
Today we worked on a form to draw the results of the observations we carried out last week.
Miss Luchi.
domingo, 8 de junio de 2014
Our last project for the unit
Last week you showed, once more, that you can make great things happen. You worked quite well preparing the final project:
And you managed to suggest super activities that we can all do instead of spending time in our bedrooms. Good job 6th form! Let's work this well for the Feria!
Miss Luchi.
viernes, 6 de junio de 2014
Examen de Matemática
El próximo viernes 13 de junio tomaremos los siguientes temas :
* nombre de las operaciones.
* factorización prima.
* múltiplos y divisores.
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